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Showing posts from February, 2018

Making Connections

The idea of connection resonates with me because I get excited from finding or creating meaning from divergent ideas. As a coach, I see connections everywhere - helping people discover and connect with their true purpose, introducing kindred spirits to each other and watching a relationship blossom, supporting mutually beneficial business alliances...these things really speak to my core values. Connections create community and people working together in community can create real and lasting change.

I'm With You...

Or as we like to say in Philly, I'm wit you... Recently I was asked about my coaching philosophy. What would I say if I had to describe what I offer as a coach in a single sentence? I started with big words and lofty, ambitious ideals. Then my inner voice reminded me that simpler is better, and if I really understood what I wanted, I should be able to explain it to a first grader. After much judicious editing, I arrived at this statement: "I'm with you as you recognize where you are and clarify where you want to be." To me, being with you means that I'm there to actively listen to what you say and ask those powerful questions to support your self-discovery around what you're not be saying. We'll co-create a safe space for you to explore and a relationship built on trust. Together, we'll focus on what you want your future to look like, to feel like, and what you need to get yourself there. You'll do the work, you'll reap the rewards, an