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Happy New Year and Welcome to 2018!

For many of us (me included!) the new year offers a chance for rest and self-reflection. The world slows down a bit and we get the opportunity to take stock of what our accomlishments and maybe  identify the gaps between where we are and where we hoped to be. Previously, I've been very goal-oriented - asking myself questions such as "What steps have I taken to reach my goals?" and "Which goals did I reach?" or, "Why didn't I acheive that particular goal?"
The funny thing about golas is that they're often a moving target. Recently I've begun to reframe my ideas of goals and achievements; instead looking to focus on my intentions rather than the outcomes. What would 2018 look like if I set the intention to trust my instincts more and listen less to my inner critic? How would it feel to truly present my authentic self at work and with my friends and family? When I say "authentic self" I mean the best version of who I want to be, even if that's a little uncomfortable in the moment. The opportunity for growth isn't simply in amplfying exactly who I am right now, but in being mindful of who I want to be and giving voice to the best version of myself.
In 2018, I'm looking forward to a year of discovery and joy - and I know that means stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm starting this journey by creating this blog and committing myslef to writing a new post every week. What's your intention for the new year? How will you thrive in 2018?
