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What Do You Need to Learn in 2018? Ask Yourself These Questions

Last week, I stumbled upon a very interesting article by Paul Petrone "21 Questions that Will Help You Determine Your Strengths, Goals, and What You Should Learn Next"  perfect timing! I love the start of a new year, it smells fresh, like multiple possibilities (or clean laundry).
Although Petrone focuses only on work goals, what I liked most about this post was the section about Vision and the four questions about going big and thinking about your legacy. Specifically:
"If you could change the world (and you can), what needs would you meet or what problem would you solve?"
For me, this question helps crystalize my core values - my fundamental beliefs - about what's important and creates meaning outside of myself. This question isn't about what I need to do for myself, but rather what I need to do to be of service to others. AND it assumes that I have the ability to create a positive impact on the world. This question is powerful because it's rooted in the idea that I can empower myself by empowering others. And that circles back to my intention for 2018.
Which question resonates most deeply for you?
